by Georgia
Posted on 04-01-2021 10:06 PM
A person who takes an active and often militant part in politics.
Dictionary of unfamiliar words by diagram group copyright © 2008 by diagram visual information limited
thesaurusantonymsrelated wordssynonymslegend:
black muslim - an activist member of a largely american group of blacks called the nation of islam
black panther - a member of the black panthers political party.
Random good picture not show 1. Local activist groups have become increasingly vociferous as the volume of traffic passing through the village has grown. 2. He's been a trade union/party activist for many years. 3. He's been a trade union activist for many years. 3. Sentencedict. Com is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
Social media is the most powerful sharing tool on the planet, so you’re not just “wasting time†while using it. Spend a few minutes searching through social media using keywords related to the causes you’ve chosen. Follow activist groups and publications in those categories on facebook at twitter. This will help you stay in the know, share important news when it happens, and connect with other like-minded individuals.
Activists meaning in urdu utilize the online english to urdu dictionary to check the urdu meaning of english word. People often want to translate english words or phrases into urdu. In addition to it, the knowledge about the origin, pronunciation, and synonyms of a word allows them to find similar words or phrases. Here you can check all definitions and meanings of.
When you think “activist,†do you imagine someone shouting slogans in front of a giant crowd, holding up signs and marching in the streets? while that’s certainly one part of being an activist. It’s helpful to attend a big public march just so you know what it’s like, but you may decide that marching in the streets is not your thing. There are lots of ways to make your voice heard, including talking to people at rallies and events, writing op-eds and essays, and creating compelling content on social media. Focus on the mediums where you feel you’re most effective, and build connections with other activists by helping to elevate their voices and sharing their words as well.
Activism springs from caring—and it calls us to widen our circles of compassion to include all creatures and the earth itself. That compassion must start with ourselves. Mindful self-compassion is not about letting yourself off the hook. As spiritual activists of many traditions—such as thomas merton, mahatma gandhi, and the dalai lama—have taught, cultivating compassion for ourselves is what allows us to be truly compassionate to others.
Indeed, research suggests that mindfulness meditation practices may increase compassionate responses to suffering. That same research provides evidence that compassion also motivates us to take action in the world.
: advocating or practicing activism : using or supporting strong actions in support of or opposition to one side of a controversial issue for the activist groups that will carry the nomination fight to the public, the name of the game is hit early and often. — richard lacayo pressing demands that are both global and granular, the activist investor has turned himself into one of the food sector's most influential players, affecting how millions of people eat each day. — julie jargon they plan to become activist shareholders who will protest global-warming resolutions and anything else that undermines corporate profitability. — john j. Miller.
The word activism can sometimes sound a bit scary and many people who are engaging in the social change movement shy away from calling themselves activists for fear that they aren’t doing enough, that their contribution isn’t large enough. The truth is, however, that every effort, big or small, that we make to promote healthy sexual relationships and challenge rape culture is activism and contributes towards the wider movement to end sexual violence and harassment.
An activist is a person who campaigns for some kind of social change. When you participate in a march protesting the closing of a neighborhood library, you're an activist. Someone who's actively involved in a protest or a political or social cause can be called an activist. Demonstrations, strikes, and sit-ins are all ways that an activist might work toward the change she believes in. The root word of activist is the latin actus, "a doing, a driving force, or an impulse. " someone who acts on what she believes is an activist.
Over 200 million land animals are slaughtered for human consumption every day. As compassionate and empathetic human beings, it is our responsibility to stand up for these voiceless creatures. In this article, we’ll explore what an animal rights activist is and understand how you too can be a voice for the voiceless.
You can, of course, also volunteer with an activist group — whether it’s extinction rebellion, the sunrise movement, or greta thunberg’s fridays for future — and put your body in the street to nonviolently disrupt business as usual and demand change.
The theme of this year’s international women’s day 2020 is #eachforequal, to encourage people around the world to take action and push for a gender balanced world. And while few of us have the time or resources to quit our jobs to become full-time activists, that doesn’t mean we can’t do our bit to help the cause.
Once you decide to become an activist, you’ll be an activist all your life.
You’ll never stop learning and you’ll never pass up an opportunity to share what you know. Also, you will motivate new people to join the path of being an activist coffee mug coffee mug humanity activist humanity activist coffee mug . So, don't be afraid to talk to people, the worst they can do is say they’re not interested. But you may be surprised at how many are.
Education researchers peter honey and alan mumford used responses from a learning style questionnaire to identify four typical learning styles. They called these "activist," "theorist," "reflector" and "pragmatist," sports coach brian mac explains on his website. Honey and mumford based their work on david kolb's research on the learning process. Kolb, a specialist in organizational development, contends that people learn by reflecting on a concrete experience they've had. Then they come up with assumptions or apply existing theories to understand and describe it. Next comes experimentation designed to change the circumstances surrounding the experience, to give them more control the next time it happens. All of these steps contribute to the next experience, according to the learning and teaching website.
Activist education is conducted by and with activists, is openly interested in the processes of change-making, and utilises education methods that effect justice-oriented social change. We use the expression ‘activist education’ to describe our work. This has implications not just for what we consider important for community organisers to learn, but how we believe adults learn most effectively. We’ve facilitated discussions and workshops with other social movement trainers and facilitators to explore just what might be involved in working as activist educators. The educational principles and practices (or pedagogy) that guide our work include:.
The honey and mumford learning styles are created according to a child’s supposed preference to learning. The styles postulate that a child is naturally an activist, theorist, pragmatist, or reflector. Supporters of learning based on these styles offer that a child’s learning is maximized if said child and parents, seek to understand the style he or she most associates with and then seek out opportunities to use that style.
Legend has it, when don king was asked about the allegations filed against him, he said, “allegations? i don’t even know the alligators!†that’s why i can’t figure exactly what distinguishes a “social activist†from a social inactivist, other that inactivist is not a word. But i’ve come to learn what it now takes to be anointed a “social activist. †all you need is one media outlet to bestow that title and, voila! you’re a social activist.
I learned about project fang on the our hen house podcast, and their works is incredibly important. Their main goal is to facilitate familial visitations to prisons and jails for incarcerated environmental and animal rights activists. As imprisonment can be isolating and detrimental to mental health, they also write letters to activists in prison.
Assemble team quickly and determine initial strategy. Response is an art, not a science. No duty to discuss or negotiate, but usually advisable to meet with the activist and discuss the activist’s criticisms and proposals (company participants in any such meeting should prepare carefully with the company’s activist response team); no outright rejection absent study, try to learn as much as possible by listening and keep in mind that it may be desirable to at some point negotiate with the activist and that developing a framework for private communication may avoid escalation.
We’re in the first month of the new year, and if you’ve been following our blog, you know that this week we’ve been featuring the activist director , by ira m. Millstein. Yesterday’s guest post highlighted the need to become an activist director, and now you might be adding “become an activist director†to your new year’s resolution, but where to start? you’re in luck.
Today’s post highlights important steps you can take to obtainin this goal.
Of or relating to activism or activists: an activist organization for environmental concern. Advocating or opposing a cause or issue vigorously, especially a political cause: activist opponents of the president picketed the white house.
How to become an activist (or how to have the time of your life!) activism is everywhere right now – in part because we are in the midst of a revolutionary moment – and people are rising up to ask for the kinds of changes that would make this world more liveable, solve the climate crisis and ensure that black and indigenous lives matter. We are in a moment of profound change and many people are wondering – how do i get involved? how do i help make the world the kind of place i wanna live in? do i just show up at a protest? and so on. Join us for a discussion about the reality of life in activism and organizing. Find tips on how to get involved and how to get things off the ground.
The three activists were taking part in a protest to condemn 'human rights violations and inhumane conditions' in the tindouf camps. Activists welcome the decision, but the mining company insists that its employees were endangered by the protest. Greenpeace activists, whom the police detained in november 2017 for scaling the mining tower in novaky (trenin region), will only be charged with a misdemeanour after administrative proceedings.
The difference between many, if not most activists and pacifists, is an activist would kill in order to look like something other than weak, or passive. The activist wouldn't suffer the humiliation and shame of being called a pacifist by others, he/she couldn't handle it, so he/she became an activist who appeared to be active and ready at all times instead, and tried to be the persecutor, rather than the persecuted.
Okay, book nerds. Are you ready to change the world? let’s be real: the world is really crazy right now. You know it, we know it, and sometimes it’s easy to feel tired, alone, or even helpless. So, we’re crawling out of our book nooks today to talk about it. Reading can sometimes be an escape from the craziness of real life, but sometimes, books can be a catalyst for rising up, fighting back, and finding your voice. And honestly, guys? the year 2020 is going to be a big one for all of that. We’ve got a ton of amazing things on the horizon (and some classic faves) to help you find the activist in yourself. From a new becky albertalli book all about the power of resistance , to a guided journal from queen angie dedicated to helping you find your voice, these books have got you covered for a truly powerful 2020. Read on, book nerds!.
Recent examples on the web the group and the army also gotten involved in international social activism; the group donated $1 million to black lives matter in june, prompting their fans to match the donation. — jessie yeung, cnn, "k-pop band bts earn their first grammy nomination for hit song 'dynamite'," 24 nov. 2020 davis is a proud member of arizona jews for justice, a pluralistic jewish organization dedicated to providing a safe space for the jewish community and engaging in social activism through rallies, events and donation drives. — salma reyes, the arizona republic, "arizona jews for justice leads pandemic relief effort, supports vulnerable communities," 14 nov. 2020 for fiana tulip, the government’s response to the virus led her to political activism. — nbc news, "covid-19 mourners are turning to facebook for grief support," 1 nov. 2020 nowhere is the american rhino more obvious than in social-justice activism. — helen lewis, the atlantic, "the internet speaks american," 27 oct. 2020 familiar faces on the influential and diverse panel include cate blanchett, shakira, queen rania of jordan, and basketball star yao ming, all of whom are currently engaged in environmental activism. — omid scobie, harper's bazaar, "prince william teams up with shakira, cate blanchett, queen rania, and more for earthshot prize council," 8 oct. 2020 brian armstrong, the cryptocurrency exchange's chief executive, made a splash with a blog post on sunday that declared coinbase would not engage in social activism or advocate for political causes or candidates. — robert hackett, fortune, "there is no such thing as ‘apolitical culture’," 30 sep. 2020 the task force will help with voter registration, display photos of students in black lives matter t-shirts on campus, train students in direct action activism and provide other forms of training and safe spaces. — sarah ladd, the courier-journal, "mourning breonna taylor, kentucky state university creates w. O. K. E. Task force," 25 sep. 2020 while wong has been actively involved in pro-democracy activism, he cannot be considered a leader of the current round of protests that began in june 2019. — washington post, "hong kong police arrest activist joshua wong for wearing a mask as repression deepens," 24 sep. 2020.
Advocating or engaged in activism;
synonyms: activistic.
Noun one who is aggressively active on behalf of a cause. Adjective advocating a cause or engaged in activism.
‘police arrested three activists’ more example sentences ‘a committed animal rights activist’ ‘scientists claim genetically modified foods are safe; meanwhile, activists are blasting the opposite message at consumers. ’‘dependence on the federal goverment has made political activists out of many beet farmers. ’‘activists are warning our farmers a similar disaster could happen to them. ’‘the corporation, activists claim, is simply out to make "monopoly profits" from food on which millions depend. ’.
Emilie duchesne/vetta/getty images a political activist is someone who is involved in the political process for the sake of promoting, impeding or raising awareness of a certain issue or set of issues. Political activism typically involves engagement beyond just voting, whether it be through protest, demonstration or lecture. Political activists consider voting to be a passive type of involvement. In contrast, political activism involves taking a clear stance on an issue, voicing an opinion and working to ensure that the change desired by the political activists comes to take place.
1. 3. 2 derived terms 1. 3. 3 related terms 1. 3. 4 translations 2. 3. 1 derived terms 2. 3. 2 related terms 2. 3. 3 descendants activist (plural s ) one who is politically active in the role of a citizen ; especially, one who campaigns for change. , volume 408, number 8848: it has jailed environmental activists and is planning to limit the power of judicial oversight by handing a state-approved body a monopoly over bringing environmental lawsuits.
Thanks ms. Grace for writing this. It proves my point. When a person becomes an activist they realize that they are working in co-operation with other activists who while they champion a political cause like lgbt or free speech that we have common ground because the u. S. Constitution was crafted by our founding fathers to check and balance our differences.
( activists plural ) an activist is a person who works to bring about political or social changes by campaigning in public or working for an organization. N-count the police say they suspect the attack was carried out by animal rights activists.
Youth activism is the participation in community organizing for social change by persons between the ages of 15–24. Youth activism has led to a shift in political participation and activism. A notable shift within youth activism is the rise of “alter-activism†resulting in an emphasis on lived experiences and connectivity amongst young activists. The young activists have taken lead roles in public protest and advocacy around many issues like climate change, abortion rights and gun violence. Different from past protest or advocacy, technology has become the backbone to many of these modern youth movements. It has been shown in multiple studies that internet use along with seeking information online is shown to have positive impacts on political engagement. Popular applications like twitter, instagram and youtube have become the newest tools for young activist in the 21st century. Technology and the use of digital media has changed the way youth participate in activism globally, and youth are more active in media than older generations.
Crusader ; meliorist ; reformer ; reformist ; social reformer (a disputant who advocates reform) hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "activist"): black muslim (an activist member of a largely american group of blacks called the nation of islam) black panther (a member of the black panthers political party) instance hyponyms:.
Page content ​in recent months, a surge in activism has seen thousands standing up for causes such as black lives matter or protesting covid-19 government shutdowns. Are employees who participate risking their jobs each time they take to the streets or post politically charged comments on social media? the answer varies depending on what they do and where they work. For example, it may not pose a problem for employees to protest off-hours. But employees who skip work to protest do risk termination. Many private employers have the right to fire employees "at will," but employment lawyers caution companies to tread carefully when disciplining employees for political activism outside of the office.
Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, direct, or intervene in social , political , economic , or environmental reform with the desire to make changes in society toward a perceived greater good. Forms of activism range from mandate building in the community (including writing letters to newspapers), petitioning elected officials , running or contributing to a political campaign , preferential patronage (or boycott ) of businesses, and demonstrative forms of activism like rallies , street marches , strikes , sit-ins , or hunger strikes.
July 15, 2020 at 9:09 am the best way to persuade others to adopt humane and responsible lifestyles is to set a good example. Think realistically about how you're going to fit environmental and animal activism into your life. You may have a full-time job and may have to juggle time with family and friends. Can you re-plan your schedule or transfer some duties to a coworker, spouse, or someone else to allow yourself time to focus on animal and environmental activities? maybe you can incorporate some animal and environmental work into the church, office, family or political activities you're already involved in. You do not want to overextend yourself in a blaze of glory, only to burn out in six months. Think carefully about how you're going to schedule activism into your daily routine so that it will become a part of your life and not an intrusion.
Social activism is the promotion and guidance used to cultivate changes in business practices, business policies or the government to influence social change. The duties of a social activist include communicating with policy makers, researching for the cause, and organizing responses for the media. Social activism is commonly focused on the conditions that directly impact the standards of living for those in society who are exposed to it. Some of the societal problems that have become a platform for social activist groups include medications, pesticides and chemical systems. A social activist is required to talk to a wide variety of people both within the group and those they oppose.
Yesterday i wrote about consumer’s increasing expectations for brand activism in a post entitled, “tough times for timid pharma brands. †in a nutshell, many progressive consumer brands outside of the pharmaceutical industry are increasingly taking stands and acting on social issues. So why should a pharmaceutical brand manager care about this trend?.
Coldplay is well known for their social activism, especially in fair trade campaigns, and they give 10% of their earnings to charitable causes. Carson, on the other hand, is not against environmental activism per se, but she is far less dedicated to the movement. Known for his animal rights activism and as a crusader for many good causes, few suspected phoenix as a drug user.
Zoom please join students with a purpose in a discussion on how to avoid the pitfalls of performative activism & allyship and how to find your voice and get involved with your local community. For the zoom meeting link, please email cwuswap@gmail. Com.
Gr 7 up–young people who want to effect change are guided by a sequence of nine steps and inspirational examples of grassroots activism. Step one, “i'm fed up,†describes the story of peter benenson, an englishman whose outrage at hearing portuguese college students had been jailed for drinking a toast to liberty in public ultimately led to the formation of amnesty international. The story is followed by checklists that ask readers to choose behaviors to help define their own ethical self-portrait. Other steps cover summarizing a problem, finding support, being heard, setting goals, and overcoming obstacles. Each step, or chapter, includes a story, strategies, skills, and a time line of milestones and setbacks. Well-known historical activism, such as rosa parks's defiance of the segregation laws and mohandas gandhi's demonstrations of nonviolent civil disobedience alternate with anecdotes of smaller-scale activism, such as a teen who helped identify a phosphate problem in her hometown lake. The style is conversational and the tone offers realistic encouragement to teens looking to solve problems. Teachers will approve of the focus on the importance of developing writing and speaking skills, being mindful of one's online reputation, and learning how to evaluate project efforts. This title will primarily serve as a how-to, although the time lines, an accessible index, and factual information about anti-smoking campaigns, recycling, and children's rights make it a useful historical perspective of activism. –vicki reutter, cazenovia high school, ny. (c) copyright 2010. Library journals llc, a wholly owned subsidiary of media source, inc. No redistribution permitted.
Break students up into three small groups and give each group a piece of chart paper. One paper should say the word “community,†one should say “activism,†and one should say “results of activism. †assign three roles per group: recorder, illustrator and reporter. Instruct students to work cooperatively to write as many different words as they can think of that connect to, define or question the word on their chart. The recorder will act as the facilitator of the group and summarize the group’s conversation into easy-to-understand bullet points. The illustrator will document the conversation with visual images to support the text of the recorder for visual learners. The reporter will present the group’s work to the rest of the class when its time to share the group’s ideas. (note: if the three groups are large, add a fourth role of actor. If necessary, the actor will act out one of the group’s definitions with the help of another student from the group. ).
About blog follow the blog to learn about environmental activism. Frequency 1 post / day blog thenation. Com/subject/enviro. Facebook fans 630k â‹… twitter followers 1. 3m â‹… instagram followers 19. 4k â‹… social engagement 646 â‹… domain authority 85 â‹… alexa rank 23. 5k view latest posts â‹… get email contact.
Judicial activism, an approach to the exercise of judicial review , or a description of a particular judicial decision, in which a judge is generally considered more willing to decide constitutional issues and to invalidate legislative or executive actions. Although debates over the proper role of the judiciary date to the founding of the american republic, the phrase judicial activism appears to have been coined by the american historian arthur m. Schlesinger, jr. , in a 1947 article in fortune. Although the term is used quite frequently in describing a judicial decision or philosophy, its use can cause confusion, because it can bear several meanings, and even if speakers agree on which meaning is intended, they will frequently not agree on whether it correctly describes a given decision. (compare judicial restraint. ).
Work with partners: to be an activist leader, it is important to have partners because they are the ones who will support you. Your partners could be governments ministers, regional and province organisations, teachers or even your parents. Take on responsibility early: begin your activist career by taking on the responsibility of something small. This could be something like become class president of your primary school. This will give you a leadership foundation to build the rest of your activism around.
Activism consists of efforts to promote, impede, or direct social , political , economic , or environmental change. Activism can take a wide range of forms from writing letters to newspapers or politicians, political campaigning, economic activism such as boycotts or preferentially patronizing businesses, rallies, street marches , strikes , sit-ins , and hunger strikes. [ citation needed ].
About the author: jennie carvill schellenbacher is studying for a phd at the university of vienna, looking at museums and the ways that they are engaging in activism and activist practice. She has also lectured on this subject at the university of graz. Originally from the uk, jennie studied archaeology at durham university and has an ma in museum studies from the university of leicester. Jennie runs the website museumsandstuff. Com.
Elizabeth slattery former legal fellow and appellate advocacy program manager elizabeth slattery researches and writes on the rule of law, separation of powers, civil rights, and other constitutional issues. Summary the courts have gradually abandoned their proper role of policing the structural limits on government and neutrally interpreting the laws and constitutional provisions without personal bias. Judicial activism occurs when judges decline to apply the constitution or laws according to their original public meaning or ignore binding precedent and instead decide cases based on personal preference. Labeling as “activist†a decision that fails to meet this standard does not express policy disagreement with the outcome; it expresses disagreement with the judge’s conception of his or her role in our constitutional system. Three recent cases illustrate how our founding fathers’ vision of a government of laws and not of men is compromised when judges let their subjective policy preferences control their decisions.
Judicial activism is a legal term that refers to court rulings that are partially or fully based on the judge’s political or personal considerations, rather than existing laws. In basic terms, judicial activism occurs when a judge presiding over a case allows his personal or political views to guide his decision when rendering judgment on a case. The topic of judicial activism has been a source of controversy in the u. S. Political landscape for some time. To explore this concept, consider the following judicial activism definition.
This will tell you what teen activism is.
this is the british english definition of activist. View american english definition of activist. Change your default dictionary to american english.