by Michael
Posted on 15-10-2020 10:09 PM
When applying for a job, it is acceptable and often recommended, to highlight awards or honors you've received for your work or academic excellence.
Whether you just graduated high school or college or worked in the professional space for years, showcasing your achievements will help you stand out in the hiring process. While every employer has a list of required technical skills, also known as "hard skills," they also look for valuable soft skills. Awards can help demonstrate soft skills like teamwork, creativity and problem-solving abilities and are also great to include if you have little work experience and need to prove your abilities on an entry-level resume.
With two objects
1give or order the giving of (something) as an official payment, compensation, or prize to (someone)
‘he was awarded the military cross’
more example sentences
‘a 3. 5 per cent pay rise was awarded to staff’
‘a good case can be made for including only finishes for which prize money is awarded. ’‘the jury at cannes last year agreed, awarding it the jury prize. ’.
Dear sirs,
i would like to thank you for your interest in the apartment block construction project which we received on january 03, 2012.
On behalf of bridgton construction i am pleased to award you the contract for the following work (find specifications and obligations attached). We will award a fee of $3. 2 million, which we deem to include the cost of all construction work required for prompt and satisfactory completion.
The medal shall be awarded annually to the artist of the most distinguished american picture book for children published by an american publisher in the united states in english during the preceding year. There are no limitations as to the character of the picture book except that the illustrations be original work. Honor books may be named.
These shall be books that are also truly distinguished.
1. The medal shall be awarded annually to the author of the most distinguished contribution to american literature for children published by an american publisher in the united states in english during the preceding year. There are no limitations as to the character of the book considered except that it be original work. Honor books may be named.
These shall be books that are also truly distinguished.
An amount of money that the government or another organization gives to someone so that they are able to do something synonyms and related words.
In-app purchases: no android version: varies with device with a database of 285,000 words, phrases and derived forms, 225,000 definitions, 70,000 usage examples, and 85,000 text pronunciations, wordweb is one of the largest free dictionary apps for android. You can filter your searches according to noun, verb, adjective, adverb, and others. It shows definitions and synonyms as well as similar and related words to your searches. You can even select regions to show synonyms, related words, and pronunciations particular to that region. Wordweb also offers several other basic features such as word correction, word suggestion, custom font size, and the ability to block offensive words. You can bookmark your searches for future reference.
Usually enjoyed by a fgusc or tom woods man tom woods is such an unpopular fgusc i bet he lives to collect awards. By burrett september 26, 2004.
Performance shares are awarded only if certain specified measures are met. These could include metrics, such as an earnings per share (eps) target, return on equity (roe), or the total return of the company's stock in relation to an index. Typically, performance periods are over a multi-year time horizon. Take the next step to invest.
To give an employee an increase in income or a special payment as a reward for success : award sth to sb/award sb sth the association has just announced that it will be awarding more than $14 million in annual pay rises to staff. Be awarded sth many of the investment bank's employees have been awarded much smaller performance bonuses than they were led to expect.
The george washington university--presidential arts scholarship in dance department of theatre and dance; washington, dc 202. 994. 8072 trdanews@gwu. Edu; theatredance. Gwu. Edu deadline: 01/10/2007; number awarded: 4-5 requirements: admission to gwu as first year student, audition process hollins university deana lugar; roanoke, va 540. 362. 7431 dlugar@hollins. Edu; www. Hollins. Edu deadline: 12/01/2006; number awarded: 9 requirements: admission to the hollins mfa dance program.
The extra overtime he put in at work got him a nice bonus of one-hundred dollars as an award for his efforts. 19 people found this helpful if your company receives an award that can be a great way to market your product and let others know it is quality. 17 people found this helpful.
The reader, however, cannot fail to award justice to the wrong-doers. Here, at the sixth award, let us make an end; all that remains is to set the crown on our discourse. Instead of this, shall i choose what i well know to be evil, and award that? we depart again upon your assurance that you cannot award us more.
To bestow something upon one for a particular reason. Our boss awarded joel the promotion for his experience as an actuary. The committee awarded patricia the research grant for all of her effort this semester. See also:.
Office of the chief actuary award data beneficiary data a person classified as having been awarded a benefit means that the person has become entitled to a certain type of benefit. This definition encompasses not only newly entitled beneficiaries, but also cases where a person converts from one.
Will the film win any awards at the festival? she has won numerous awards for her books. An awards ceremony [=a ceremony at which awards are given out] an award-winning film/writer = an award-winner.
Award, awarding(noun) a grant made by a law court "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court" award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels(noun) a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction "an award for bravery" prize, award(verb) something given for victory or superiority in a contest or competition or for winning a lottery "the prize was a free trip to europe".
Other than where such terms are more advantageous for the authorized user(s) than those set forth in the contract, no alteration or modification of the terms of the contract, including substitution of product, shall be valid or binding against authorized user(s) unless authorized by the commissioner or specified in the contract award notification.
The notification of award is the day commission meeting is held to award the contract. Notification of award is not to be construed as authorization to provide goods or services. Failure to do so within 10 days of notification of award will result in forfeiture of the bid security. The completion period shall be counted from the date of 'notification of award of work'.
Listen: uk:*uk and possibly other pronunciationsuk and possibly other pronunciations/əˈwÉ”Ërd/us:usa pronunciation: ipa and respellingusa pronuncation: ipa/əˈwÉ”rd/ ,usa pronunciation: respelling(É™ wôrd′) ⓘ one or more forum threads is an exact match of your searched term a•ward /əˈwÉ”rd/usa pronunciation v. To give because of merit; bestow: [~ + object]the panel awards the prizes. [~ + object + object]the nobel committee awarded him the prize money. [~ + object + to + object]the committee awarded the literature prize to her.
The order of the british empire was first established as an award during world war i. At this point, the ruling british monarch, george v, felt that some sort of award should be established to recognize the efforts of civilians and people who were doing extraordinary work to support the war effort and their own communities. The award can be granted to individuals who are not residents or natives of the british empire, or commonwealth, so long as these individuals have been deemed to have performed an extraordinary service in honor of the commonwealth. According to the british government, as of 2014, there are more than 100,000 living recipients of this honor.
The submission of a dispute to an unbiased third person designated by the parties to the controversy, who agree in advance to comply with the award—a decision to be issued after a hearing at which both parties have an opportunity to be heard. Arbitration is a well-established and widely used means to end disputes. It is one of several kinds of alternative dispute resolution , which provide parties to a controversy with a choice other than litigation. Unlike litigation, arbitration takes place out of court: the two sides select an impartial third party, known as an arbitrator; agree in advance to comply with the arbitrator's award; and then participate in a hearing at which both sides can present evidence and testimony. The arbitrator's decision is usually final, and courts rarely reexamine it.
N 1: a grant made by a law court; "he criticized the awarding of compensation by the court" [syn: award , awarding ] 2: a tangible symbol signifying approval or distinction; "an award for bravery" [syn: award , accolade , honor , honour , laurels ] 3: something given for victory or superiority in a contest or.
Written confirmation of an award of a contract by a customer (owner or principal) to a successful bidder , stating the amount of the award, the award date, and when the contract will be signed. It may also contain a notice to proceed, and it is sometimes also used in lieu of a purchase order to a vendor. Also called award letter or notice of award.
An arbitral award or arbitration award refers to a decision made by an arbitration tribunal in an arbitration proceeding. An arbitral award is analogous to a judgment in a court of law. An arbitral award can be of a non-monetary nature where the entire claimant's claims fail and no money needs to be paid by either party.
Honor has many uses, all of them good. If you are called a man of honor, you are respected. If someone honors you, they recognize and award you for your achievements. The term honor has always been a word used to describe men and women of high moral worth or great achievement. It can be used as either a noun or verb, and in many different settings. People graduate from college with honor, meaning they have outstanding grades. A woman of honor is pure and decent. Soldiers are buried with full military honors, which means they are given gun salutes and trumpet calls and the nation's fullest respect.
Https://idioms. Thefreedictionary. Com/award+to printer friendly facebook.
A term of art used at the national institutes of health (us) for the provision of funds, or direct assistance in lieu of funds, based on an approved application and budget to provide general financial assistance to a person or organisation to carry out an activity or program. An award is a statement that funds have been obligated; this includes both direct and indirect costs, unless otherwise indicated.
Chair's award: brian martin, phd, mba excellence in health administration: stephen williams, med, mpa research to practice award: janina morrison, md, mph rising star award: regina gervin student achievement award: shreya roy w. C. David rosenstein award for best student abstract: devin barney excellence in abstract submission among all presenters: laura hoyt d'anna, drph excellence in abstract submissions among new investigators: donald gerke, msw excellence in abstract submissions on an international topic: manasi sharma.
There are less than two weeks left for you to vote for your favourite dezeen awards projects and studios. Here is an update on votes cast so far in each of the six studio categories. More there are less than two weeks left for you to vote for your favourite dezeen awards projects and studios. Here is an update on votes cast so far in each of the 12 design categories. More.
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Situated in the heart of london's west end, bafta 195 piccadilly is the home of bafta worldwide, as well as an award-winning venue for hire that offers outstanding hospitality and a suite of flexible event spaces, which can be crafted to suit any occasion. Find out more.
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April 15, 2016 a new regulation has been effected which expands the definition of ‘industrial award’ in the workers’ compensation and injury management act 1981: 3a. Instruments under commonwealth laws prescribed for definition of industrial award in act for the purposes of paragraph (d) of the definition of industrial award in section 5(1) of the act, the following instruments are prescribed —.
Referred to as the oscars of the aviation industry, the world airline awards are coveted quality accolades. Customers make their own choices as to which airlines they consider to be the best, underlining the brand as the passenger’s choice awards.