by Simon
Posted on 26-01-2021 07:01 PM
London — activists linked to the u. S.
-based group black lives matter blocked a road friday leading to london’s heathrow airport and held protests in other british cities. Organizer joshua virasami told the bbc that the movement — founded to protest the killings of black people by american police — was needed “in britain and all over the world. â€.
Question: "how should christians view the black lives matter movement?" answer: started in 2013 in response to separate police shootings of two young black men, the black lives matter movement (or blm) came into prominence with its use of the #blacklivesmatter hashtag. Ever since, the phrase black lives matter has been a rallying cry of those who believe there is institutional racism against african-americans in virtually every aspect of society, but especially in police departments and the legal system.
Former-new york city mayor rudy giuliani joined fox news' "fox & friends" to better flesh out his recent argument that the black lives matter movement, "which never protests when every 14 hours somebody is killed in chicago," is thus inherently racist. "that is the predominant way in which a black person in this country will be killed. By another black, not by a police officer," he added. "if they meant black lives matter, they would be doing something about the way in which the vast majority of blacks are killed in america, which is by other blacks. ".
I've said many times that practically anything goes in our country from the liberal media and entertainment industry to public schools and universities to social media and government to the public square we live in an abc culture anything but christ and evil is being called good as doctor duke, pastor said recently college students are now attacking unarmed statues across the country. Many activists and thugs have now gone from assaulting police stopping traffic burning down buildings blowing up cars and breaking windows. To tearing down federal monuments and statues of historical figures, the question is this will they now obey the marching orders of racist and radical shaun king, a leader in the black lives matter movement a social justice activist king unleashed a firestorm on social media, saying ready statues of jesus christ are a of white supremacy and must be taken down. I'm david fiero. Is christ and culture. The new testament describes jesus as being from bethlehem in judea, but sean king insists jesus is a european. Here's what he said. I think the statues of the white european they claim is jesus should also come down. They are a form of white supremacy always have been tear them down, he continued all murals and stained glass windows of white jesus and his european mother and their white. Should also come down they are gross form of white supremacy created as tools of oppression racist propaganda they should all come down. Wow. Well, we already know college educated people, especially those under 35 hate jesus, the bible and christians pretty much no surprise there so we'll see if black lives matter implements its version of nazi germany's crystal knocked or the night of broken glass by vandalizing churches and breaking stained glass windows, but we found out. Inconvenient stories about sean king, according to israeli researcher adam berkowitz in 2018, king led attacks against a white texas state trooper spreading the false claims of a black woman arrested for drunk driving who lied about being raped during a traffic stop in 20 -, 19 king led a social media campaign to find the drive-by killer of a seven year-old jasmine barnes he post. A photo of a white man causing people to assume the killing was racially motivated, but as always happens the facts that emerged and the men allegedly connected to the girl's death were black, believe it or not even cnn reported that story. So most of what's happening in american cities is clearly not about racism at this point. This is anti-american hatred stoked by the democrat media and regurgitated throughout academia for. Aids check out my report last week on the godless anti-american education system that groomed the generation of young people to hate their country they fall for the lies get triggered and act out and hate the preachers of inclusion and tolerance are once again the most hypocritical and intolerant of free speech and of people who are unwilling to conform to group think and follow the mob cancel culture is one thing, but the defacing and destruction of historical statues and federal monument. Is getting out of control, especially when those doing the destruction have no idea what the statues represent true story now, nancy pelosi, the house speaker gave orders to remove from the walls of the us capitol building for portraits of former house speakers who served in the confederacy now please understand what's really going on here. Doctor andy woods of sugarland bible church in texas, said this quote the deliberate erasure of history is a stalinist maoist tactic for purposes of destroying one. So that they can bring in their higher social order communism marxism statism and beyond that if you want to get rid of all vests of racism in the history of the united states, you would also have to get rid of the democrat party itself, which is the party of the jim crow south the kkk and robert byrd end quote, new-york city officials are falling in line and planning to remove the bronze statue of teddy roosevelt from outside new york's museum. History the statues stood there in the theater, roosevelt rotunda facing central park since before the second world war. Why roosevelt was a hero to millions of americans, which is why the left must get rid of it. So was he a racist? nope just the opposite. In fact, tucker carlson explained roosevelt was a famously decent man in 1901. He invited his friend, booker t washington to dinner, no african-american. Ever eaten in the white house democrats ward with rage at the idea for the crime of having a meal with a black man, they attacked teddy roosevelt and his wife for the rest of their lives. The agenda to edit true american history and rewrite it began in government schools decades ago as textbook publishers were instructed to erase much of the rich history of the country and now it has reared it's ignorant and ugly head in today's cancel culture back. King for a minute ironically, he supported the campaign of an old white man bernie sanders go figure but king also said white people use faith as a tool of oppression and that quote they'd they never would have accepted a religion from a brown man he reveals just how ignorant he is about god through history in the bible jesus ethnicity was and is completely irrelevant. Why? it was god in the flesh and it wasn't his skin his blood was red, just like ours and we are redeemed by his shed blood on the cross that paid for the sins of all mankind. So pray for those who can't see through their own hate guilt, pedaling and virtue signaling pray for christians who have been caught up in secularism and social justice movements that really aren't about true justice, the bible says. Whoever believes jesus will be saved whoever rejects jesus and refuses his amazing sacrifice and offer forgiveness. Will be condemned in fact, we are not to recognize any longer people, according to physical attributes, class or country of origin. But according to the spirit, whether a person is saved or not saved, god shows no favoritism and once you are a believer in christ, we are a united family in the faith, the apostle paul wrote this to christians and ephesus for this reason i bow my knees before the father from whom every family. And on earth derives its name that he would grant you to be strengthened with power through his spirit in the inner man so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. So once you have the assurance of salvation your citizenship is in heaven and status doesn't matter you no longer care about skin color, but the state of a person's heart in this current chaos and unrest jesus offers a solution. No one else in the world offers true peace. And everlasting life god bless you and keep speaking the truth about things that matter.
Salt lake city, utah (abc4 news) – the ownership group of multiple bars in downtown salt lake city issued an online apology following a racially-charged comment from one of their family members. They also pledged to donate $10,000 to the glass black lives matter protest black lives matter glass quote black lives matter glass movement. Screenshots sent to abc4 news showed that the controversy began on saturday when brandi lecates commented on a facebook post about peaceful protesters covering their faces. Her statement said its part, “black lives don’t matter anymore than anyone else!!!! always the same [expletive] loons! bunch of [expletive]!â€.
A target employee who works inside the location’s starbucks has been fired for posting an “appalling†video online about how to make a “blue lives matter†drink with “bleach. â€the since-deleted tiktok video showed the unidentified employee holding a starbucks cup that has “blue lives matter†written on the side at the coffee shop inside the retailer in nora, indiana, news station wish reported.
An employee at a target store on long island, new york, said she was confronted by a customer who demanded she remove a black lives matter mask because the woman found it offensive. The customer denies that account, saying that an argument began when she asked the employee, "don't you think all lives matter?".
On july 24, a photo started going viral on facebook which appeared to show a receipt from kroger with a “blm charge. †people sharing the photo are claiming that kroger is charging customers a fee to support black lives matter. However, the company confirmed that the photo is false and the actual receipt reflected a “change shortage. â€.
Email share pretoria – as black lives matter protests spread across the world, the statue of paul kruger in the centre of the capital has also been affected. The protests over racism and heritage were sparked by the killing of george floyd, an african-american man, by police officers during an arrest in minneapolis on may 25 and have spread through the us, the uk, europe and beyond.
Commack, ny — three protesters were arrested at a black lives matter march wednesday in commack, suffolk police said. Roughly 30 protesters attended the event on the veterans memorial highway, according to police. Officers warned protesters not to enter the road and block traffic multiple times, police said. Three of them stopped traffic and were arrested, police said.
By alex seitz-wald activists with black lives matter protests halted a political rally in seattle where democratic presidential candidate bernie sanders was scheduled to speak on saturday afternoon. “we’re shutting this event down — now,†said an activist who suddenly leapt on stage. She approached the microphone where sanders had just begun speaking, thanking attendees for welcoming him to “one of most progressive cities in the united states of america. "an event organizer attempted to stop the activist, and a heated exchange ensued as the crowd booed.
Major brands like starbucks, chick-fil-a, and whole foods are trying to determine if employees should be allowed to wear black lives matter unique glass black lives matter protest glass black lives matter quote shot glass masks on the job. Wendy greene, a lawyer focusing on employment and discrimination and a professor at drexel university thomas r. Kline school of law, said that typically bans on black lives matter masks and shirts are legal under existing legislation on dress codes at work.
A statue of sir winston churchill erected in parliament square, westminster, has been sprayed with graffiti during a black lives matter protest. It comes after petitions were launched to remove statues of controversial people around london, such as robert milligan in west india quays. The metropolitan police say they are seeking to identify those responsible for the damage to the memorial.
Advertisement of the russian firm’s race-specific domains, blackmatters. Us was perhaps the most effective in amplifying the ira’s intended media mirage. It essentially operated like a digital marketing company as it built an online presence across multiple platforms, creating various accounts to reinforce its brand and distribute content wholesale. Their strategy took on real-world resonance in other instances, as well, as they instituted recruitment efforts. “posts encouraging americans to perform various types of tasks for ira handlers appeared in black, left, and right-targeted groups,†the report states, noting that such efforts had the biggest presence in black communities. “many posts solicited protestors, writers, activists, lawyers, and photographers to attend the property’s numerous events. They posted job ads for real american writers to create content … a clear example supporting the hypothesis that the ira engaged in narrative laundering. â€.
Let our journalists help you make sense of the noise: subscribe to the mother jones daily newsletter and get a recap of news that matters. Rep. Michele bachmann is the first republican presidential candidate to sign the family leader pledge disavowing gay marriage, premarital sex, and porn. But perhaps the most outrageous part of the pledge is the section that implies that maybe slavery wasn’t all that bad for black families.
"i'm here standing tall!" almarou yelled from a stage as she turned around to hurl expletives toward the los angeles county hall of justice, which houses the office of district attorney jackie lacey. Her office had cleared the gardena police officer of wrongdoing and ruled the shooting was justified. One after another, nearly a dozen parents of dead children took to the microphone to blame lacey, a democrat, for what they see as an unwillingness to prosecute police officers.
On july 7, 2016, micah xavier johnson ambushed and fired upon a group of police officers in dallas , texas , killing five officers and injuring nine others. Two civilians were also wounded. Johnson was an army reserve afghan war veteran and was angry over police shootings of black men. He stated that he wanted to kill white people , especially white police officers. The shooting happened at the end of a protest against the police killings of alton sterling in baton rouge , louisiana , and philando castile in falcon heights, minnesota , which had occurred in the preceding days.
The year 2005 seems to be a long way from the treacherous slavery days that my ancestors had to encounter. Being that my history of african progeny has partially been lost due to the racial disparity that has clouded a true sense of who i am. In 2005, i believe that slavery still exists. Not in forms of the physical torture, the chains, as well as the pain. I am referring to the mental and spiritual forms of slavery that still exists today. Suppression of a whole race is nothing uncommon in humanity. Also, it is not new or limited to a single ethnic background. As maya angelou agrees in this expressive poem, "the black family pledge" she writes down in poetry my thoughts about not knowing (understanding) my heritage.
The black family pledge is a poem composed by maya angelou.
The black family pledge & response - youtube.
Black family pledge by dr. Maya angelou, recited by jailyn gabrielle - youtube.
Because we have lost the path our ancestors cleared, kneeling in perilous undergrowth, our children cannot find their way. Because we have banished the god of our ancestors, our children can not pray…. Dr. Maya angelou, the black family pledge. How do you poetically memorialize a great poet? you can’t, especially when her life was itself, a form of poetry. Mother, daughter, granddaughter, actress, dancer, writer, activist, friend, teacher, mentor, avid cook and cultural luminary, maya angelou is gone, at age 86. A survivor of child abuse, life on the streets, jim crow segregation and the strife of history and circumstance that took so many of her friends—malcolm, martin, james baldwin& others; maya angelou was bigger than her hometown of stamps, arkansas could hold. She was our miriam; our discoverer of oases and maker of wells, a songstress whose poetry cataloged a spirit of change borne in an ancient tradition.
Iowa, black hawk county, waterloo, world war i pledge cards, 1917-1918. Database. Familysearch. Https://familysearch. Org : 15 january 2021. Black hawk county memorial hall commission, iowa.
The noble and most ancient house of black was one of the largest, oldest, and wealthiest pure-blooded wizarding families in great britain , and one of the sacred twenty-eight. Many wizarding families in britain were distantly related to the house of black. Like the malfoy and lestrange families, the house of black was synonymous with elevated status and wealth.
Karenga, m. (1982). Introduction to black studies. Los angeles: kawaida publications. Kunjufu, j. (2005). Keeping black boys out of special education. Chicago: african american images. Schott foundation for public education. (2008). Given half a chance: the schott 50-state report on public education and black males. Cambridge, ma: author. Retrieved from http://blackboysreport. Org/bbreport. Pdf u. S. Census bureau. (2012). Statistical abstract of the united states. Table 69: children under 18 years old by presence of parents: 2000 to 2012. Washington, dc: author. Retrieved from www. Census. Gov/compendia/statab/2012/tables/12s0069. Pdf.
Ultimately, your family values will be specific to you and your family unit. They represent the ways you want to live your family life, and they may have been passed down through multiple generations throughout the decades. Knowing what a family–both the nuclear family and extended family–values can help solidify bonds among family members. Family values help kids and young men and women make good choices because they have a set of beliefs to help guide them.
Fifty years ago daniel patrick moynihan published his groundbreaking federal study, the negro family: the case for national action. 1) in his introduction moynihan stated, “at the heart of the deterioration of the fabric of negro society is the deterioration of the negro family. †since then, that deterioration has accelerated dramatically. Today, only 17 percent of black teenagers reach age 17 in a family with both their biological parents married. 2) in no state does family intactness exceed 30 percent.
last month, a black sixth-grade teacher in milton, massachusetts, was briefly placed on administrative paid leave because of remarks she made about police violence and the killing of george floyd. After an uproar, the school district reversed the decision and pledged to consider an anti-racism curriculum. Some schools like albemarle county in the charlottesville, virginia, area already have an anti-racism curriculum in place. Yet some, such as the miami-dade school board, are trying but finding it difficult to implement one.