by Henry
Posted on 27-10-2020 04:56 AM
An irish clergyman praises american horses
one of the best spokesmen for the quality of horses bred in rhode island was james macsparren, an irish clergyman sent to america to assume the pulpit of a church in that state. He described rhode island’s horses as “remarkable for their fleetness and swift pacing; and i have seen some of them pace a mile in a little more than two minutes, and a good deal less than three.
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†macsparren also noted that in addition to having speed, the american horses were also very hardy: “…’tis no extraordinary journey to ride from sixty to seventy miles or more in a day. †this was no small feat considering that colonial roads were often no more than paths through the forest.
There are so many factors that can contribute to a horse being favourite in any given race. These range from obvious
things such as previous form of the horses competing to more reactional favouritism created by word of mouth such as favourable word coming from
the trainer of the horse.
The shorter the price of the favourite the more likely it is its position in the market is derived from form actually.
they weigh at least 1,000 pounds, have legs that are supported by ankles the size of a human’s, and are forced to run around dirt tracks at speeds of more than 30 miles per hour while carrying people on their backs.
1 racehorses are the victims of a multibillion-dollar industry that is rife with drug abuse, injuries, and race fixing, and many horses’ careers end in slaughterhouses. A new york daily news reporter remarked, “the thoroughbred race horse is a genetic mistake. It runs too fast, its frame is too large, and its legs are far too small. As long as mankind demands that it run at high speeds under stressful conditions, horses will die at racetracks. â€2.